Object: forerunner of flat-iron
Material: glass
Dimensions: diameter 7 cm
Date: 17-18th century
Description: the solid spheres of glass are the forerunners of flat-irons.
In Europe they were used from the Roman period until the beginning of the
20th century in order to press small pieces of (damp) linen.
FindID: SNM1-1
Object: werra slipware pot
Material: earthenware
Dimensions: height 16 cm diameter 12.5 cm
Date: early 17th century
FindID: SNM1-2
References: Pottery produced and traded in north-west Europe 1350-1650.
Hurst, Neal and van Beuningen.
Remarks: Werra-ware was made at a number of production sites situated along
the Werra river (Germany) and was first named Wanfried
Object: fire brick, southern Netherlands
Material: earthenware
Dimensions: 14,5 x 9,5 x 5,5 cm
Date: late 16th century
Description: a crowned head of a man and a women in a laurelwreath
FindID: SNM1-3
Object: fire brick, southern Netherlands
Material: earthenware
Dimensions: 14,3 x 10,5 x 5,3 cm
Date: late 16th century
Description: a crowned head of a man and a women in a laurelwreath
FindID: SNM1-4
Object: Wine bottle, dutch onion bottle
Material: glas
Dimensions: height 17 cm, diameter 14 cm
Date: first half 18th century
FindID: SNM1-5